SoundID Reference Release Notes

Release notes for

Date of release: 26th of March 2025

SoundID Reference

Fixes a crash that number of integration users experienced on startup

Updated exported curve visualization for Universal Audio integration users

Added support for LFE channel speaker trim values on all integrated Universal Audio Apollo devices

Fixes missing EQ valued for specific number of DADman Matrix users

A number of small visual updates and behind-the-scenes improvements

SoundID Reference Measure

Updated Measurement flow UX for Universal Audio integration users

Release notes for

Date of release: 11 February 2025

SoundID Reference

For Universal Audio integration users SoundID Reference system tray will display only expected information

Additional error information and fix for failed microphone calibration profile error

Added explanatory messages for Universal Audio integration users

Option to add now output from various places in SoundID Reference for new users

Fixes bug where the same multichannel calibration profile looked different in Plugin and SoundID Reference on Windows

A number of small visual updates and behind-the-scenes improvements

Added support for macOS 15 Sequoia

SoundID Reference Measure

Indication displayed for Universal Audio integrations users confirming that Universal Audio measurement flow is active 

Added 6.1 speaker layout for all SoundID Reference users(channels: L, R, C, LFE, Ls, Rs, Cs)

Fixes bug where Universal Audio measurement flow is active with other device selected as active

SoundID Reference plugin

Render notification can be enabled in Ableton 12

Added 6.1 speaker layout (channels: L, R, C, LFE, Ls, Rs, Cs)

Release notes for

Date of release: 18 December 2024

SoundID Reference

Added Windows support for Audient ORIA integration.

Added integration support for Grace Design m908.

SoundID Reference plugin

Fixed a bug that caused the channel flip and mono switches to stop working in the SoundID Reference plugin when "Calibration Enabled/Disabled" was set to "Disabled."

Release notes for

Date of release: 12 November 2024

SoundID Reference

Implemented integration with Universal Audio Apollo X interfaces, allowing to apply speaker or headphone calibration profiles directly to Gen 1 or Gen 2 devices.

Improved performance of the virtual audio driver on macOS.

A number of small visual updates and behind-the-scenes improvements.

SoundID Reference Measure

Implemented the Universal Audio measurement flow that starts automatically as soon as the profile is requested from the SoundID Reference application.

Added 6.1 speaker layout for Universal Audio integration: (channels: L, R, C, LFE, Ls, Rs, Cs)

Several minor visual enhancements and backend improvements.

Release notes for 5.12.0

Date of release: 17 July 2024

SoundID Reference

Implemented RME export for devices with Room EQ feature support. Users can export multichannel or stereo speaker calibration profile presets and manually import them into the TotalMix software. Supported devices at the time of launch are: UFX+, UFX II, UFX III, and UCX II.

Removed “Provide feedback” button.

Various minor visual and under-the-hood fixes.

SoundID Reference Measure

Fixed the suggested default profile name to ensure it does not contain any characters that are not accepted by the software when saving the measurement profile.

Various minor visual and under-the-hood fixes.

Release notes for 5.11.1

Date of release: 19 June 2024

SoundID Reference

Updated the algorithm for exporting presets to the Audient ORIA interface. No need to remeasure your setup - if your previously exported calibration preset caused some noise during playback, update SoundID Reference and export the preset to Audient ORIA again.

[macOS] Fixed an issue which would cause an application crash when using some Universal Audio interfaces.

Fixed some issues that didn't allow exporting to DADman previously.

[macOS] Fixed an issue which would rarely and inconsistently remove calibration profiles and settings files upon launch.

Fixed an issue that prevented exporting presets to Merging Anubis interface in some cases.

SoundID Reference plugin

Fixed an issue which prevented the user to bypass the plugin when using the in-DAW bypass controls.

Release notes for 5.11.0

Date of release: 25 April 2024

SoundID Reference

Implemented the export option for Lynx Aurora audio interface. Click “Export” in the preset menu and select “Lynx Aurora” to initiate the process. Note that only speaker calibration profiles can be exported.

Fixed an issue with the Audient ORIA export process that caused some channels to be uncalibrated for some exported profiles. After updating the SoundID Reference app, please export the preset again (no need to re-measure your setup).

Release notes for 5.10.0

Date of release: 26 March 2024

N.B. Starting from version 5.10.0, macOS 11.0 or newer operating system is required. If you have a macOS 10.15 or 10.14, please install SoundID Reference 5.9.2, which is available in the installer.

SoundID Reference

Implemented Audient ORIA integration. Users can export multichannel or stereo speaker calibration profile presets directly to the ORIA control app or as parameter files to be imported manually. Previously created calibration profiles can be exported, although new measurements with the ORIA interface are recommended.

Fixed an issue with Virtual Monitoring which caused overall volume imbalance between various presets.

Fixed an issue which caused laggy performance for the application in some geographical regions.

Fixed some preset descriptions within the Virtual Monitoring feature.

Improved the headphone search logic when switching between the manufacturer and model list views.

Fixed the issue with “Update available” pop-ups not showing the relevant version numbers in some cases.

Fixed an issue of the export process creating files within the same (wrong) folder by default.

Fixed an issue of the “Dismiss” button not working in the update notification pop-up in some cases.

Fixed a visual issue of the “Filter type” panel glitching out when hovering over the options, more prevalent on Windows.

Various minor visual and under-the-hood fixes.

SoundID Reference Measure

Implemented the Audient ORIA measurement flow. To take full advantage of the ORIA integration, it is recommended that users measure their setup with the Audient ORIA interface using this flow. To initiate, select “Audient ORIA” as your audio interface when prompted by the SoundID Reference Measure app.

Various minor visual and under-the-hood fixes.

SoundID Reference plugin

Fixed an issue with Virtual Monitoring which caused overall volume imbalance between various presets.

Various minor visual and under-the-hood fixes.

Release notes for 5.9.2

Date of release: 21 February 2024

SoundID Reference

Fixed an issue of incorrect LFE channel correction values when exporting to Dolby Atmos Renderer 

SoundID Reference plugin

Fixed an issue of some multichannel formats not available for Avid Pro Tools

Release notes for 5.9.1

Date of release: 24 January 2024

SoundID Reference

[macOS] Fixed a common issue of missing driver, which could result in no sound or no calibration effect applied

Fixed an issue of headphone search not working when using the setup guide

Updated the headphone search so that the search query carries over from the manufacturer selection screen to the model selection screen.

Fixed a non-working Dismiss button in the Update available message

Fixed descriptions of Car 1 and Car 3 presets within Translation Check

SoundID Reference plugin

Fixed an issue which caused the gain value not being recalled correctly after restarting a Pro Tools session

Fixed descriptions of Car 1 and Car 3 presets within Translation Check

Release notes for 5.9.0

Date of release: 08 November 2023

SoundID Reference

Direct calibration export available for AVID MTRX family interfaces and DAD family interfaces with SPQ DSP. Previously, the EQ parameters had to be adjusted manually. This update let's the user directly imprint the calibration in the DADman profile. Please note that a new measurement of your system will be required to use this export flow.

Fixed the issue of LFE channel being calibrated to 0 dB relative volume despite selecting “My LFE channel is set to +10 dB” option in SoundID Reference Measure during the calibration process. This issue was present in the SoundID Reference export flow in versions 5.7.3 and 5.8.0.

Merged the “AVID MTRX Studio” and “AVID MTRX with SPQ” export options into one: “AVID MTRX family with SPQ DSP”. Renamed “DAD AX32 with SPQ” to “DAD family with SPQ DSP”.

Fixed inconsistent logic for the Listening Spot correction panel. When the correction is disabled, users see volume and time differences between the channels. Once the correction is enabled, the relevant delay and gain values are applied, so that the difference between the channels is 0.

[macOS] “Restart playback engine” button activates a sudo command that restarts the CoreAudio service. This can be used in case there are any driver-related issues resulting in no audio output or no calibration applied. Please note that audio should not be running when this button is pressed. The user will be asked for their password by the operating system.

The Virtual Monitoring panel is made more reactive to user actions and updated license status.

Added onboarding tooltip regarding the Virtual Monitoring feature.

Minor bugfixes and UI improvements.

SoundID Reference is fully compatible with macOS Sonoma (macOS 14.0 and above), no OS-specific issues have been found during testing.

SoundID Reference Measure

Adjusted measurement flow for AVID MTRX family and DAD family interfaces with SPQ DSP. If the user intends to export the calibration directly to their interfaces, they need to check the “I have an AVID MTRX or DAD family interface with SPQ processing” in the view “Select your speaker configuration” before the measurement flow. If the checkbox is selected, the user can still use the resulting calibration profile in SoundID Reference standalone app or the plugin, but the calibration data is also loaded in the DADman profile during the export process.

SoundID Reference Measure is fully compatible with macOS Sonoma (macOS 14.0 and above), no OS-specific issues have been found during testing.

SoundID Reference plugin

Fixed the issue of LFE channel being calibrated to 0 dB relative volume despite selecting “My LFE channel is set to +10 dB” option in SoundID Reference Measure during the calibration process. This issue was present in the SoundID Reference plugin in versions 5.7.3 and 5.8.0.

Updated the headphone search so that the search query carries over from the manufacturer selection screen to the model selection screen.

Adjusted the “Filter type” panel height.

Fixed inconsistent logic for the Listening Spot correction panel. When the correction is disabled, users see volume and time differences between the channels. Once the correction is enabled, the relevant delay and gain values are applied, so that the difference between the channels is 0.

For a multichannel calibration profile, if only the time or only the volume domain is corrected in the Listening Spot correction panel, the status of the correction is titled “Custom” instead of “Enabled” or “Disabled”.

Fixed an issue of misaligned elements in the License information panel.

Minor bugfixes and UI improvements.

SoundID Reference plugin is fully compatible with macOS Sonoma (macOS 14.0 and above), no OS-specific issues have been found during testing.

Release notes for 5.8.0

Date of release: 10 October 2023

SoundID Reference

Virtual Monitoring Add-on for macOS (Core Audio).

Virtual Monitoring Add-on for Windows (Virtual Windows audio driver and Virtual Windows audio to ASIO Driver).

Three virtual speaker types: Near field, Mid field, and Far field.

Ten spatial Translation Check targets.

Speaker and Headphone profile backup mechanism.

Improved online installer visuals.

Fixed: preset switch fails when starting SoundID Reference with Dolby target mode.

Fixed: Dolby Atmos Renderer - export values are incorrect for stereo profiles.

Fixed: Dolby Atmos Renderer - calibration curve being inverted for certain profiles.

Fixed: Dolby Atmos Renderer - missing LFE parameters in the export file.

Updated Merging Anubis export file.

Fixed: [macOS] Crash when Logic is set to a language other than English.

Fixed: [macOS] incorrect system menu bar behavior when SoundID Reference is running.

Fixed: Duplicate Custom Target presets.

SoundID Reference plugin

Virtual Monitoring Add-on (Audio Unit, VST, VST3, AAX).

Three virtual speaker types: Near field, Mid field, and Far field.

Ten spatial Translation Check targets.

Fixed: issue where it's impossible to close "Error while loading the calibration profile."

Fixed: Plugin freezes upon opening if a custom target was used in the previous session.

Recommended buffer settings for Virtual Monitoring Add-on

Due to the intense processing requirements of the Virtual Monitoring Add-on, it's advised to adhere to the specified buffer settings when using in the SoundID Reference plugin for optimal performance and to avoid potential audio issues:

For sample rates 44.1 kHz and 48 kHz: Configure buffer to 256 samples or higher.

For sample rates 88.2 kHz and above: Configure buffer to 512 samples or higher.

For lower latency and a high sample rate, it's recommended to use the standalone SoundID Reference application.

Release notes for 5.7.3

Date of release: 06 September 2023

SoundID Reference

[macOS] Reworked the audio driver for stability improvements. This should resolve most “Preset switch failed”, “Unable to load the audio driver” and similar errors. If such errors are still (or newly) present, please contact our support team.

[macOS] Fixed the issue of a slightly different limit frame, which caused different calibration curves between the standalone app and plugin.

[Windows] Implemented an automatic crash log gathering tool. In case of the software crashing, the tool allows the user to quickly gather the relevant information that can be sent to developers for investigation.

[macOS] Fixed the issue of SoundID Reference not immediately appearing in the menu bar after launching.

Fixed the issue of additional preset instances added when logging in the application

Fixed the issue of calibration curves still visible after computer sleep in case the active device was disconnected during the sleep period. In some cases, this issue also occurred without putting the computer to sleep.

Fixed some rare cases of SoundID Reference crashing if launched from SoundID Reference Measure after saving a calibration profile.

Fixed some issues with output presets not initialized after reconnecting an output device.

Implemented an improved onboarding process for new users.

Fixed visual padding for the individual calibration panel.

Fixed the issue of being unable to add output channels other than 1 and 2 for a newly added output device.

Fixed the issue of several redundant (or empty) onboarding pop-ups.

Fixed the issue of all output VU meters active in case more than 1 channel pair is added for an output device.

Logs are now deleted after 30 days to avoid stockpiling.

Implemented a “Save this preset” button in the Custom Target mode, overwriting the last selected Custom Target preset with the new changes. If no preset was previously selected, this button will open the same dialog as “Save as a new preset…” button.

Fixed an issue of “Save as a new preset…” not properly overwriting the previous versions of a Custom Target preset if saved with the same name.

Fixed some issues that could occur when editing the names of Custom Target presets in-app.

Fixed some rare crashes that occurred when rapidly switching between Custom Target or output presets.

Fixed an issue of Custom Target preset not visualized or initialized after launching the application.

Fixed an issue of Custom Target preset appearing as edited without making actual changes to the preset.

Several web links are updated to show relevant articles or sections of Sonarworks website.

Fixed some crashes that could occur during the preset export to Dolby Atmos Renderer with some specific inputs.

Fixed an issue of “Export preset to device” not appearing in the GUI when loading a multichannel profile.

Disabled the back and forward functions that could be accessed with mouse buttons 4 and 5, causing some minor UI issues.

SoundID Reference Measure

Improved the test process to detect hardware-related latency in multichannel setups. This change should fix the issue for users with overhead speakers that got stuck during the measurement process.

Fixed an issue that allows users to click “Save and finish” before the actual calculations are done. Also increased the calculation efficiency, so that the user does not have the time to click the button anyhow.

During location/distance tests, the first test signals are now played slightly later, so the 0th timer tick does not interfere with the test. This solves the issue on some setups that the first test always fails.

Logs are now deleted after 30 days to avoid stockpiling.

Added some logging for the automatic device blacklisting due to reports of SoundID Reference Measure automatically blacklisting valid I/O devices upon launch. If your device is missing in the Measure application, please contact our support team and attach the latest logs. Where to locate the log files?

Several web links are updated to show relevant articles or sections of Sonarworks website.

Replaced the audio files for the “Left speaker” and “Right speaker” phrases during the initial setup.

Fixed a rare crash that could occur when no device is available on the computer.

Disabled the back and forward functions that could be accessed with mouse buttons 4 and 5, causing some minor UI issues.

SoundID Reference plugin

Fixed an issue of plugin GUI not appearing when used in Audirvāna.

Fixed an issue of average headphone calibration profiles showing L and R curves as options, even though there is no relevant data to show.

When adding a new headphone profile, the search input field is now automatically in focus

Fixed an issue of bypassed plugin still retaining Listening Spot compensation.

Implemented a “Save this preset” button in the Custom Target mode, overwriting the last selected Custom Target preset with the new changes. If no preset was previously selected, this button will open the same dialogue as the “Save as a new preset…” button.

Fixed an issue of “Save as a new preset…” not properly overwriting the previous versions of a preset if saved with the same name.

Fixed an issue of plugin launching with wrong settings in Pro Tools.

Logs are now deleted after 30 days to avoid stockpiling.

Phase curve now visualized when the Filter Type panel is open.

Several web links are updated to show relevant articles or sections of Sonarworks website.

Fixed the inconsistent states of “Notify me about updates” and “Don't notify me about updates” checkboxes.

Removed the Translation Check switch arrows in the case only a single profile is favorited.

Release notes for 5.7.2

Date of release: 22 February 2023

SoundID Reference

Fixed some underlying stability issues

SoundID Reference Measure

Fixed some underlying stability issues

SoundID Reference plugin

Fixed some cases of the plugin not saving the settings between DAW project sessions

Fixed a crash that could occur if the Listening Spot adjustment differs between presets that contain multichannel calibration profiles

Fixed incorrect names appearing for Translation Check targets in some cases

Fixed wrong behavior when adding a profile for Translation Check targets and clicking the “back” button

Fixed some underlying stability issues

Release notes for 5.7.1

Date of release: 14 February 2023

SoundID Reference

[Windows] Fixed SoundID Reference app not launching for some users

SoundID Reference plugin

[macOS] Fixed plugin not being validated within some DAW's or causing some crashes in specific scenarios.

Fixed some issues causing Custom Target configuration not being saved as expected

SoundID Reference Measure

Fixed SoundID Reference app not launching or crashing on start for some users

Release notes for 5.7.0

Date of release: 07 February 2023

SoundID Reference

Reworked the Custom Target mode preset management mechanism. Custom Target presets are now shared between the SoundID Reference application and plugin instances, and can be backed up or shared. More information here

Translation Check now allows loading any headphone profile to get a rough sense of how audio might sound like on various devices. Note that this only simulates the frequency response.

Translation Check panel design updated

Listening Spot correction now enabled by default when a new room calibration profile is loaded

Fixed an infinite loading screen for some new users that previously required application restart

Implemented a quicker update process - when a newer version is available, the software will check if an installer is present on the device. If so, the software will launch the installer. Note that for this to work an updated version of the installer must have been used first

When exporting a preset to an external device, software now remembers the most recent export destination folder selected by the user

“Recent calibration profiles” section now shows room calibration profiles recently created with SoundID Reference Measure

Fixed an issue of Limit settings not saved during switching presets

Fixed an issue of “Launch on startup” not working for some users

Added attribution to open-source libraries used in software products. These can be found through the “License information” menu

[macOS] Fixed an issue that prevented launching the application from User Account web interface for some users

Fixed an issue of the device menu appearing next to the wrong device during some scenarios

Fixed some cases of Safe Headroom being applied but not visualized

[Windows] Fixed some cases of GUI becoming unresponsive after logging out of the application

[macOS] Fixed crashes for some users when clicking the “Play a test tone” button

Fixed an issue of redundant internal code appearing at the end of every average headphone calibration profile

Fixed a number of issues that occurred if a user deleted all EQ filters in Custom Target mode, like GUI crash or unresponsive features

Fixed some onboarding pop-ups that could be misplaced in specific scenarios

SoundID Reference plugin

Reworked the Custom Target mode preset management mechanism. Custom Target presets are now shared between the SoundID Reference application and plugin instances, and can be backed up or shared. More information here

Translation Check now allows loading any headphone profile to get a rough sense of how audio might sound like on various devices. Note that this only simulates the frequency response.

Translation Check panel design updated

Listening Spot correction now enabled by default when a new room calibration profile is loaded

“Recent calibration profiles” section now shows room calibration profiles recently created with SoundID Reference Measure

Fixed an issue that prevented incremental scrolling for the gain slider. Using the scroll wheel now moves the slider by 0.1 dB at a time

Implemented a quicker update process - when a newer version is available, the software will check if an installer is present on the device. If so, the software will launch the installer. Note that for this to work an updated version of the installer must have been used first

Fixed an issue of plugin elements overlapping each other if the plugin host window is resized

SoundID Reference Measure

Implemented an updated phase alignment algorithm

[macOS] Fixed an issue of software generating debug logs in the wrong folders 

[Windows] Added some default entries to the ASIO device blacklist, to prevent crashes when trying to load incompatible drivers

Fixed an issue of being able to proceed despite a “Volume mismatch detected” error

New supported headphones added

Marshall Major IV Bluetooth, Rode NTH-100, Sony WH-1000XM5, Bose QuietComfort 45, Neumann NDH 30, Audix A140, Audix A145, Audix A150, Audix A152, Direct Sound DS-74, Direct Sound DS-73, Apple AirPods Pro (2nd generation), Focal Stellia.

Release notes for 5.6.1

Date of release: 16 November 2022

SoundID Reference

Fixed an issue that caused newly registered users to get stuck on “Loading license status” screen. Now users should see options to activate a trial or a permanent license.

Fixed an issue that caused newly registered users to get stuck on “No active license detected” error. Now users should see options to activate a trial or a permanent license.

Release notes for 5.6.0

Date of release: 02 November 2022

SoundID Reference

Added Listening Spot correction when exporting a preset to Wayne Jones AUDIO speakers. Gain and Delay values are compensated accordingly. Make sure to enable the Listening Spot correction before exporting the preset.

Added the option to export presets with speaker calibration profiles to Fluid Audio products. More information regarding this integration will be announced by the end of 2022

SoundID Reference software thoroughly tested on macOS Ventura. No OS-specific issues were found.

SoundID Reference plugin

SoundID Reference plugins thoroughly tested on macOS Ventura. No OS-specific issues were found.

SoundID Reference Measure

SoundID Reference Measure thoroughly tested on macOS Ventura. No OS-specific issues were found.

Release notes for 5.5.0

Date of release: 18 October 2022

SoundID Reference

MERGING+ANUBIS and SoundID Reference integration now support Multichannel calibration profiles. After creating your multichannel calibration profile with SoundID Reference Measure, load it in SoundID Reference standalone application, click “Export preset to device” and select MERGING+ANUBIS. Visit our Support page for the full instructions.

Release notes for 5.4.0

Date of release: 06 October 2022

SoundID Reference

ADAM Audio export option implemented. Upload your room calibration directly to your A Series studio monitor DSP. This negates the need for plugin or virtual driver calibration, as well as allows calibrating all audio sources connected to the speaker monitors.

[macOS] Moved some operational files (configuration, logs, calibration profiles and more) from ~/Library/Sonarworks to ~/Library/ApplicationSupport/Sonarworks. During the installation, the previous folder is copied automatically to the new location and should not affect functionality for users.

[macOS] Fixed some cases when blank screen would appear upon launching the application 

[macOS] Fixed some cases of the application crashing upon rebooting the computer. Fixed the symbolication script to investigate other similar cases.

Minor UI issues fixed

SoundID Reference Measure

Fixed the wrong pop-up appearance in case the user has not logged in. Correct prompt is now displayed.

Fixed some cases of the application crashing when loading an existing profile

[macOS] Moved some operational files (configuration, logs, calibration profiles and more) from ~/Library/Sonarworks to ~/Library/ApplicationSupport/Sonarworks. During the installation, the previous folder is copied automatically to the new location and should not affect functionality for users.

Some outdated links updated

SoundID Reference plugin

[macOS] Moved some operational files (configuration, logs, calibration profiles and more) from ~/Library/Sonarworks to ~/Library/ApplicationSupport/Sonarworks. During the installation, the previous folder is copied automatically to the new location and should not affect functionality for users.

Release notes for 5.3.2

Date of release: 23 August 2022

N.B. Starting from version 5.3.0, macOS 10.13 (and older) and Windows 8.1 (and older) operating systems will not be supported.

SoundID Reference

[macOS] Fixed some unwarranted cases of “Error while loading the calibration profile” that appeared if the SoundID Reference was used in M1 native mode, but the SoundID Reference plugin was used in a DAW that is run in Rosetta mode

[Windows] Fixed some cases of no audio after computer sleep/hibernation when using ASIO drivers

[Windows] Fixed an issue of system volume reported as 0% even though actual output volume is set to 100%. Issue was specific to WASAPI to ASIO driver.

[Windows] Fixed an issue of SoundID Reference virtual device volume set to 0% after adding a new output device in the SoundID Reference app. Issue was specific to WASAPI to ASIO driver.

[Windows] Fixed an issue of SoundID Reference virtual device volume rising after restarting the computer

Added some missing application icons

Automatic log file clean-up mechanism temporarily disabled. If needed, users can find and delete log files manually, see this article for more information.

Added missing digital signatures to some components

SoundID Reference Measure

Fixed an issue with time alignment (phase alignment) that occurred due to some missing data during a multichannel setup measurement. Now, even with the “Store raw audio” toggle disabled in SoundID Reference Measure, some additional data will be still stored within the profile, to calculate the phase alignment more accurately. Multichannel setup users are recommended to create a new calibration profile with this version

Fixed an issue with LFE initial test volume in cases of low-pass filters

Fixed an issue in the volume calculation for the LFE channel relative to other channels. The issue caused the LFE channel to be reported as lower, in comparison to other channels.

Refactored the FFT tests so that each channel is measured by itself. In case of a failed channel test, only that channel will be remeasured instead of all channels, speeding up the measurement process.

Added some missing application icons

Fixed an issue of application window not scaling well on small displays with large scaling

Adjusted the channel names in 7.1.6 and 9.1.6 setups

SoundID Reference plugin

[macOS] Fixed the crash that occurred in Studio One DAW when using SoundID Reference plugin. 

New onboarding flow for new users implemented

[macOS] Fixed some unwarranted cases of “Error while loading the calibration profile” that appeared if the SoundID Reference was used in M1 native mode, but the SoundID Reference plugin was used in a DAW that is run in Rosetta mode

Fixed the issue of disappearing EQ filters after creating a new Custom Target preset for a multichannel calibration profile

[Windows] Fixed a crash that occasionally happened when copying the Custom Target presets multiple times with a multichannel profile loaded

Removed the redundant and empty “Before” graph that appeared before any calibration profile is loaded

Removed a redundant “Skip this version” button in “New version is available” pop-up

Fixed the issue of Safe Headroom information panel not refreshing after updating from an older version to a 5.3.x version

[Windows] Fixed a crash that sometimes occurred after clicking “Mix Down” in Pyramix DAW with SoundID Reference VST plugin loaded

Minor UI fixes and updates

Release notes for 5.3.1

Date of release: 13 June 2022

N.B. Starting from version 5.3.0, macOS 10.13 (and older) and Windows 8.1 (and older) operating systems will not be supported.

SoundID Reference

Adjusted the way Safe Headroom values are calculated for headphone profiles

Adjusted the way the Calibration curve is calculated for headphone and stereo speaker profiles. This was a visual issue only in SoundID Reference 5.3.0, which is now fixed.

[macOS] Fixed the underlying issue that caused “No active license detected” error when launching the software with an active license. Please note that this error can appear after updating to 5.3.1 as well. To solve the issue, please reactivate the license on your device, as described in this article. The issue should be resolved for future updates.

[macOS] Fixed the underlying issue that caused headphone profiles to not load. Please note that some errors can still appear when loading previously downloaded headphone profiles. To solve the issue, please delete the previously downloaded headphone profiles and add them through the software again, as described within this article.

Fixed an issue of “Error code 400” when exporting calibration profiles to Avid MTRX, DAD AX32 devices and Dolby Atmos Renderer

Fixed an issue of some pop-ups being closed unnecessarily after a “New update available” pop-up is closed

X-Curve updated to match SoundID Reference measurement method

SoundID Reference Measure

Fixed an issue of toggle state labels not updating regardless of their actual state

Fixed an issue of microphone profiles with 7-character ID codes not available within the software

(5.3.1, build 183) “Store raw audio in measurement project” toggle is enabled by default and can not be disabled. This fixes some issues with phase alignment. We recommend remeasuring the multichannel setups with this version. More information on this can be found within this article.

SoundID Reference plugin

[macOS] Fixed some audio performance issues when using the plugin on computers using M1 Max and M1 Ultra components.

Fixed the underlying issue of the plugin being disabled after update in Pro Tools. Please note that this issue can still persist after updating to 5.3.1 as well. To solve the problem, please reload the affected plugin instances, as described within this article.

[macOS] Fixed the underlying issue that caused “No active license detected” error when launching the software with an active license. Please note that this error can appear after updating to 5.3.1 as well. To solve the issue, please reactivate the license on your device, as described in this article. The issue should be resolved for future updates.

[macOS] Fixed the underlying issue that caused headphone profiles to not load. Please note that some errors can still appear when loading previously downloaded headphone profiles. To solve the issue, please delete the previously downloaded headphone profiles and add them through the software again. The issue should be resolved for future updates.

X-Curve updated to match SoundID Reference measurement method

Fixed an issue of DAW-level plugin presets not applied after updating to 5.3.0

Fixed an issue that caused Disk Utilization to increase when using Custom Target Mode

[macOS] Fixed an issue that sometimes caused AU validation tool to crash in Logic Pro when scanning the plugins with no active project loaded

Release notes for 5.3.0

Date of release: 24 May 2022

N.B. Starting from version 5.3.0, macOS 10.13 (and older) and Windows 8.1 (and older) operating systems will not be supported.

SoundID Reference

[macOS] M1 native support implemented

[Windows] Fixed issues with audio drivers to make them compatible with Windows 11

Multichannel profiles can be loaded. Within this version, multichannel profiles can be only used for the front speaker calibration (stereo calibration) or for exporting to external hardware and software. For full multichannel calibration please use the SoundID Reference plugin

Preset export options for multichannel devices and software implemented, including AVID MTRX Studio, AVID MTRX with SPQ, DAD AX32 with SPQ, Dolby Atmos Renderer

Dolby Atmos Music target curve implemented as a separate target mode

Three different tilt curves added to the Translation Check target mode, in the “Other” folder

In-app registration and login implemented. Browser window will be opened in case a 3rd party authentication service is used

Fixed an issue with the app window changing size between restarts

Fixed some error messages not appearing when an error should be triggered

Several UI improvements implemented

Fixed the issue of “Disable GPU Process” not being saved between sessions

Log files older than 7 days are removed from the log folder to avoid clutter

SoundID Reference Measure

[macOS] M1 native support implemented

Multichannel setups can now be measured, ranging from 2.1 to 9.1.6

Visual and functional redesign

Support for sample rates above 44.1 kHz implemented
be resized

App window can be resized

[Windows] Some problematic ASIO drivers blacklisted to prevent app crash on launch

Implemented an autosave function in case the application crashes or is exited. User is now able to resume unfinished measurements

Timer sounds are now played through the output device user has selected for measurement process, not the system's default output device

“Assemble logs” button added in Preferences to automatically gather all required files for troubleshooting issues

Added an option to enable raw audio data collection while creating a measurement profile, disabled by default to create smaller calibration profiles. This option has to be enabled each time Measure is launched, at the beginning of the session.

SoundID Reference plugin

[macOS] M1 native support implemented

Multichannel calibration profiles can be loaded and used for calibrating multichannel setups

Phase alignment implemented for both stereo and multichannel setups

Dolby Atmos Music target curve implemented as a separate target mode

Three different tilt curves added to the Translation Check target mode, in the “Other” folder

New onboarding process implemented

Several minor UI improvements implemented

Some crashes fixed when using the plugin in Ableton Live

Some text copy corrections

Fixed an issue of plugin crashing Pyramix DAW during render

Fixed an issue of WaveLab crashing with the VST plugin loaded and engaged

Release notes for 5.3.0 Beta

Date of release: 11 May 2022

N.B. Starting from version 5.3.0, macOS 10.13 (and older) and Windows 8.1 (and older) operating systems will not be supported.

SoundID Reference

macOS] M1 native support implemented

[Windows] Fixed issues with audio drivers to make them compatible with Windows 11

ADAM A Series preset export functionality implemented (support within ADAM software coming soon)

Dolby Atmos Music target curve implemented as a separate target mode

In-app registration and login implemented. Browser window will be opened in case a 3rd party authentication service is used

Fixed an issue with the app window changing size between restarts

Fixed some error messages not appearing when an error should be triggered

Several UI improvements implemented

Fixed the issue of “Disable GPU Process” not being saved between sessions

SoundID Reference Measure

[macOS] M1 native support implemented

Visual and functional redesign

Support for sample rates above 44.1 kHz implemented

App window can be resized

[Windows] Some problematic ASIO drivers blacklisted to prevent app crash on launch

Implemented an autosave function in case the application crashes or is exited. User is now able to resume unfinished measurements

Timer sounds are now played through the output device user has selected for measurement process, not the system's default output device

“Assemble logs” button added in Preferences to automatically gather all required files for troubleshooting issues

Dark theme implemented

SoundID Reference plugin

[macOS] M1 native support implemented

Dolby Atmos Music target curve implemented as a separate target mode

New onboarding process implemented

Several minor UI improvements implemented

Some crashes fixed when using the plugin in Ableton Live

Some text copy corrections

Fixed an issue of plugin crashing Pyramix DAW during render

Fixed an issue of WaveLab crashing with the VST plugin loaded and engaged

Release notes for 5.2.3

Date of release: 31 March 2022

SoundID Reference

[macOS] Fixed an issue that prevented installation on the newest macOS version 12.3

Release notes for 5.2.2

Date of release: 21 February 2022

SoundID Reference

[Win] SoundID Reference is now fully compatible with Windows 11 operating system

[macOS] SoundID Reference is now fully compatible with macOS 12 Monterey operating system

[Win] Minor improvements in Windows audio device insert (APO)

[Win] Minor improvements in Windows audioFixed an issue of the app not responding with some specific audio settings, for example high sample rate and low buffer size
 device insert (APO)

[macOS] Fixed an issue of “Play Test Tone” button only playing the audio signal once and then not responding

Fixed an issue of the app window increasing in size after relaunching the session

Implemented more specific local log files in case of audio related errors to help developers troubleshoot issues quicker

Some under-the-hood code changes to improve general stability and usability of the app

SoundID Reference plugin

Fixed an issue that caused Ableton Live to crash in some scenarios, for example when dragging a track to the file menu with SoundID Reference plugin enabled

Fixed an issue of a redundant bypass warning message that appears even though the plugin is bypassed

Fixed a bug that caused Safe Headroom value changes when adding a favorite Translation Check curve

Fixed an issue of a grey unresponsive overlay that sometimes appeared after logging in

Fixed an issue of a cropped “Add new preset” button after adding a large number of presets

Fixed some issues with the text displayed throughout the plugin

Improved the text input fields when adding an individually calibrated headphone model

Fixed an issue of the calibration range sliders being inaccessible when stacked on top of each other

Some other minor UI issues fixed

Release notes for 5.2.1

Date of release: 17 November 2021

SoundID Reference

Fixed a visual issue of VU meters updating slower than they should

[macOS] Fixed an issue that could cause the application to crash when exporting a preset for hardware integration. This was only an issue on some older macOS versions

Updated external links in some pop-up alerts and dialogues

SoundID Reference plugin

Fixed an issue of headphone profiles being downloaded without the proper SWHP extension when downloading through the plugin

Release notes for 5.2.0

Date of release: 09 November 2021

SoundID Reference

Presets can now be exported for integration with Jones-Scanlon Studio Monitors. From the preset menu (right-click on preset name or click the dots next to them) select Export and follow the instructions.

A variety of new average headphone profiles are added to SoundID Reference with a “For listening” tag. Our audio engineers recommend using these calibration profiles for recreational listening rather than for working with audio. Learn more about it in this article.

[Win] Multiple improvements for the Windows audio device insert (APO) driver type, which adds improved support for various output devices and fixes smaller issues

Fixed an issue that allowed enabling calibration through tray menu icon without a valid calibration profile loaded

[Win] Fixed an issue that sometimes caused SoundID Reference tray menu icon to appear blank

Added support for opening SWHP and SWPROJ files directly from Explorer/Finder or desktop. When opening such file, a preset will automatically be created for the currently active output device with the calibration profile opened.

[Win] Added an informational warning when applying Windows audio device insert (APO) driver type, as well as an informational pop-up once the driver has been installed.

[Win] Some issues specific to Windows 11 fixed.

[macOS] Fixed an issue that for some users prevented launching the application after computer restart.

Minor visual improvements and external link updates

SoundID Reference plugin

Headphone calibration profiles can now be browsed and selected directly from the plugin interface. Users can click on “Select your calibration profile”, “Add headphones” and select the calibration profile from the list.

Plugin window resize dropdown only shows available sizes depending on the monitor resolution, to avoid the plugin interface expanding outside of bounds

VST3 support added. All plugin formats are automatically installed as part of the full installation process. Users can select specific formats during installation by clicking “Customize” when selecting the products to install.

Minor visual improvements

SoundID Reference Measure

[Win] Fixed an issue of Measure crashing during Input/Output device selection step

Release notes for 5.1.2

Date of release: 02 November 2021

SoundID Reference plugin

[macOS] Fixed an issue of VST plugin crashing in same cases

SoundID Reference Measure

[Win] Fixed an issue of Measure crashing during Input/Output device selection step

Release notes for 5.1.1

Date of release: 05 October 2021

SoundID Reference

[Win] Fixed an issue with SoundID Reference app not launching or freezing upon launch due to a deadlock with some 3rd party ASIO drivers.

SoundID Reference plugin

[macOS] Fixed an issue with the AU plugin not validating in Logic Pro

Release notes for 5.1.0

Date of release: 28 September 2021

SoundID Reference

Presets can now be exported for integration with Merging Technologies Anubis interfaces. From the preset menu (right-click on preset name or click the dots next to them) select Export and follow the instructions.

[Win] ASIO/WASAPI device management overhaul. When adding a new output device, the ASIO and WASAPI output devices are now separated. ASIO device behaviour is also adjusted, therefore many ASIO-related bugs are fixed. Due to the nature of ASIO drivers, a user will also see previously connected ASIO devices in the list of available devices.

Added X-Curve and B&K 1974 Speaker Target options in Translation Check. These target curves can be found by selecting the Translation Check target mode and selecting the Other folder.

Improved “Play test tone” button behaviour when adding a new output device

Fixed an issue of SoundID Reference app not opening when called from web (Sonarworks User account system)

Average headphone profiles now show the accuracy boundaries in the Before curve graph

[Win] Fixed an issue that prevented user to change the driver type for an ASIO output device

Fixed an issue that would cause the app to crash when sample rate was changed through Windows Control Panel

Fixed several typos in Translation Check descriptions

Fixed overlapping context menus. Opening a new context menu will close the previously opened menu.

[Win] Fixed an issue that prevented users from adding both a WASAPI and an ASIO output device for the same interface

Added a No internet connection error when submitting feedback offline

[Win] Fixed an issue of displaying unrealistically high latency for some ASIO devices

Fixed an issue that bypassed Safe Headroom limit when assigning the Gain slider to a MIDI slider/knob

[Win] Fixed an issue that prevented user to use Mute shortcut on their keyboard when SoundID Reference was selected as the system output device

[Win] Fixed an issue that caused system audio volume changes when switching between SoundID Reference presets

Fixed the Set-up guide link to lead to the correct destination

Fixed an issue of Target curve not showing for the first added preset

Fixed an issue that caused a blank screen to appear after starting a trial

Implemented a limit of 3 recently used calibration profiles

Implemented a blacklist configuration file when launching SoundID Reference. This can be edited by the user and is pre-populated with some audio drivers that are incompatible with SoundID Reference

Improved the search function in the headphone selection view

[macOS] Replaced the outdated Sonarworks logo in Audio MIDI Setup

Fixed an issue of Custom Target curve not appearing after restarting computer

Updated the general designs of side panels

[macOS] Fixed an occasional issue of a blank screen in SoundID Reference during trial activation

[Win] Fixed an issue with Listening spot correction for the Windows audio device insert driver type

More specific error pop-ups added to replace “Unknown error”, to help users and Sonarworks Support team with troubleshooting

[macOS] Fixed an occasional issue of calibration not working on app launch

SoundID Reference plugin

Plugin resize function implemented. A user can resize and scale the plugin interface from 50% to 200% from the main interface view.

Implemented serialized parameters in the plugin. A user is now able to assign MIDI controls to some of the parameters through their DAW

Fixed the issue of multiple plugin instances not saving separately. Each new plugin instance will at first load the last used configuration present in the SoundID Reference plugin config file. Any subsequent changes will save separately in the DAW memory block.

Fixed the issue of DSP settings carrying over to new presets after the last preset is deleted

Fixed an issue of Safe Headroom value not updating when loading different calibration profiles

Fixed an issue of Translation Check categories not appearing selected

SoundID Reference installer

[Win] Custom install location option added. When selecting a product to instal, a user can click Customize to select the target destination for the modules

Release notes for 5.0.3

Date of release: 03 August 2021

SoundID Reference

Fixed and re-implemented the MIDI mapping feature. Parameters that can be assigned to MIDI controllers - Gain, Dry/Wet, Swap channels, Mono/Stereo, Mute, Calibration, Target modes, Custom Target presets, Translation Check presets, Listening Spot, output presets, output channels. Most parameters can be mapped by right-clicking the respective element and selecting “Map MIDI” option. Output presets and output channels can be mapped by using the 3 dot menu (•••) that appears next to the preset or output channel name

Implemented a new sign-in and activation flow for new and existing users

Fixed a bug that applied a Custom Target preset to a new output device if the old output device is deleted. Now, the new output device is configured with the relevant preset

[Win] Fixed some “Preset switch failed” issues for the Windows audio device insert driver type

Fixed some application crashes that could occur when disconnecting an active output device from the computer or removing an active output device from the software

Fixed some “Unable to load license” issues that were present when a malformed license file was passed from the server.

Fixed some migration issues that could occur while updating. Previously created presets could potentially disappear after updating to a newer SoundID Reference version

Fixed an issue that occurred for some new users on the first time launching the app from the web

Fixed an issue of Calibration state appearing as Enabled even though no calibration profile has been loaded

[Win] Fixed some “Failed to register virtual ASIO device” errors that could appear for users adding the Virtual ASIO driver or launching the software

Fixed the issue of new presets showing the previously used preset settings. All new presets have the default settings, including the Flat target mode selected

Fixed the issue of EQ filters not appearing on software launch

[Win] Fixed some issues observed when adding Apogee Duet as an output device

[Win] Fixed an issue of driver type being changed automatically after adding an output device

[Win] Investigated an issue of Virtual ASIO driver not working with JRiver audio player. Issue was fixed for JRiver, thanks to Matt from their development team

Improved responsiveness for the frequency response curves when removing output devices

Fixed an issue of menu bar / tray menu icon remaining active even if all output devices are removed from the app. If no output devices are currently added, the icon appears as inactive, since there is no calibration applied

[Win] Fixed an issue that caused “Failed to register virtual ASIO device” error and subsequent crashing of the app. Issue was present to some users with the Virtual Windows to ASIO driver type selected

Fixed an issue that caused the frequency response curves to disappear after changing the buffer size

[macOS] ⌘ + Q (command + Q) shortcut added to close the app

Newly created presets are now selected immediately

[Win] Fixed an issue that sometimes caused the app to crash when clicking Add new output

Fixed an issue that caused SoundID Reference app to be launched when Reference 4 Systemwide is launched for some users

Fixed an issue that caused a crash for some users when submitting feedback

SoundID Reference plugin

Implemented a preset sidebar. Users can now create multiple presets and assign a calibration profile and specific DSP settings for each preset. Presets can be renamed, duplicated or deleted as needed

Fixed the issue of plugin being blocked in Cubase and Nuendo applications

Fixed the issue with calibration curves going haywire in some cases. All calibration curves are now working as expected

Calibration and Target curves are now the default frequency response curves that users see upon loading a calibration profile

Release notes for 5.0.2

Date of release: 09 June 2021

SoundID Reference

Major code refactoring to improve future troubleshooting and development time

Issue that caused volume spikes when adjusting sample rate fixed

[macOS] Issue with clicking sound when using SoundID Reference with the latest Safari browser update (14.1) fixed

Some occasional issues with New update available alert fixed

Some redundant items from Preferences and menus removed

[Windows] Issue with Windows audio device insert (APO) driver type imposing calibration limits fixed

[Windows] Some issues with preset creation for Virtual ASIO driver type fixed

Some generic/unknown errors replaced with more informative messages

[Windows] Deleting the configuration file drops all virtual ASIO device entries, to avoid multiple entries when reinstalling software

Collapsed preset menu in the sidebar now shows the appropriate HP or speaker icon, depending on which type of calibration profile is selected

Issue with text being cut off when resizing the window fixed

Support added for selecting headphone modes for individually calibrated headphones

Improved preset name renaming policies

User feedback issue when adding CAPS in the email address field fixed

Some typos fixed

SoundID Reference Measure

Debug mode file target location fixed

[Windows] Audio artifacts for UAD Apollo devices fixed

Tiny UI improvements, including the logo size and design

SoundID Reference plugin

Dark Theme for SoundID Reference plugin available through the menu

Translation Check curve not appearing when launching the plugin fixed

Several minor UI issues fixed: some missing elements, some wrong colors, some text underlining issues

Broken Privacy Policy link fixed

Some text fields updated

Hover states for Target Mode selection added

License information panel color issues and height issues fixed

[macOS] Improved AU plugin load time when launching DAW software or projects

The order for menu items has been changed

Latency always reported as 0 on launch issue fixed

Issue with EQ filters moving around when clicked on fixed

Release notes for 5.0.1

Date of release: 24 March 2021

SoundID Reference

[Win] Fixed multiple bugs that caused SoundID Reference to restart infinitely after launching and creating many Task Manager processes.

Improved app behavior if launched alongside Reference 4 or other products. However, we still advise not to have multiple apps that perform systemwide calibration at the same time to avoid possible double correction or an endless loop of default device overtake.

Fixed New update available notification - if the notification is enabled, the app will check for a new version automatically once a day. It can also be triggered manually from the main menu.

Implemented an error message in case a profile can't be loaded.

[Win] Implemented a mechanism to unregister virtual ASIO devices in case the configuration file is deleted.

Fixed preset duplication function

[Win] Implemented a mechanism to unregister virtual ASIO devices in case the configuration file is deleted.

Individually calibrated headphones with various modes now have the modes available with the same serial number.

[Win] Overall stability increased for The Windows audio device insert driver (APO).

Additional volume adjustment logic has been implemented, but take caution when switching between, adding or removing devices

Various small UI fixes

SoundID Reference Measure

Success! animation has been fixed and should now appear after finishing the measurement process.

[Win] Fixed a bug that caused Error initializing ASIO device most commonly encountered when using Apollo interfaces

SoundID Reference plugin

Fixed a UI issue where Custom Target EQ filters and calibration cutoff values appear to carry over to other target modes

Fixed a UI issue with the Listening Spot being stuck in Disabled state even when enabled

Fixed an issue of the AAX plugin not showing up in Pro Tools

Fixed an issue of multiple panels being open at the same time. Most panels are now exclusive

Some hover states implemented for Target Mode selection

Target and Calibration curves are now set as the default curves to be displayed. User can manually select a different set of curves

Various small UI fixes

Release notes for 5.0.0

Date of release: 09 March 2021

SoundID Reference

SoundID Reference visual brand and naming conventions implemented. This app is the successor to Reference 4 Systemwide, but is installed as a separate application on the user's computer.

Overall design overhaul. Output device preset sidebar can be hidden. The application window can be resized or zoomed in or out. Device settings are available next to each device instead of the Preferences panel.

Custom Target mode implemented. This feature allows modifying the target curve with a parametric EQ and limiting the calibration to a user-defined frequency region. The user can save several presets to easily recall specific target curves.

Translation Check mode implemented. This feature modifies the target curve to simulate specific playback devices or environments. The user can select favorites to scroll through quickly.

[Windows] New driver type for WASAPI output devices added - Windows audio device insert driver (APO). This driver type is installed on top of the output device driver and ensures lower latency without the use of a virtual audio device.

[Windows] New driver type for ASIO output devices added - Virtual ASIO to ASIO driver. This driver type creates a virtual ASIO device that can be used as an output device for the user's DAW. The virtual ASIO device does not provide systemwide calibration.

[Windows] The legacy WASAPI mode and ASIO mode have been removed. SoundID Reference lists all available WASAPI and ASIO output devices as selectable options, so the user can easily switch between them without relaunching the app.

Login-based authorization implemented. The user can use their existing or create a free Sonarworks account to start a free trial or manage the license activation keys and active devices. Offline activation is currently removed as an option.

Swap L/R channels option implemented to preview the sound with inverted stereo imaging.

New hints, tooltips and notifications added to guide new users throughout the app, replacing the in-app Set-up guide.

New keyboard shortcuts implemented. While the app is in focus, click M to toggle mute, N to toggle Mono, B to toggle channel swap.

Output device preset sidebar reorganized, tabs removed. Each added device has its own VU meters and a list of available presets. The user can switch between devices, channel pairs or presets with a single click.

[Windows] Windows 7 and 32-bit versions are no longer supported.

Various small fixes and UI improvements. Outgoing web links replaced with new ones, if applicable.

SoundID Reference Measure

SoundID Reference visual brand and naming conventions implemented. This app is the successor to Reference 4 Measure, but is installed as a separate application on the user's computer.

Visual design overhaul. Same functionality with a fresh look.

Login-based authorization implemented. The user can use their existing or create a free Sonarworks account to start a free trial or manage the license activation keys and active devices. Offline activation is currently removed as an option.

[Windows] Windows 7 and 32-bit versions are no longer supported.

Outgoing web links replaced with new ones, if applicable.

SoundID Reference plugin

SoundID Reference visual brand and naming conventions implemented. This plugin is the successor to Reference 4 plugin, but is installed as a separate plugin in your DAW.

Visual design overhaul. Some elements moved without affecting the functionality.

Custom Target mode implemented. This feature allows modifying the target curve with a parametric EQ and limiting the calibration to a user-defined frequency region. The user can save several presets to easily recall specific target curves.

Translation Check mode implemented. This feature modifies the target curve to simulate specific playback devices or environments. The user can select favorites to scroll through quickly.

Login-based authorization implemented. The user can use their existing or create a free Sonarworks account to start a free trial or manage the license activation keys and active devices. Offline activation is currently removed as an option.

Swap L/R channels option implemented to preview the sound with inverted stereo imaging.

New hints, tooltips and notifications added to guide new users throughout the plugin.

[Windows] 32-bit versions of the plugins are no longer supported.

Various small fixes and UI improvements. Outgoing web links replaced with new ones, if applicable.

SoundID Reference installer

SoundID Reference visual brand and naming conventions implemented.

[Windows] The installer is no longer supported on Windows 7 and does not install 32-bit products.

When selecting which components to install, Studio Edition and Headphone Edition are replaced with the options For Speakers & Headphones and For Headphones only.

Outgoing web links replaced with new ones, if applicable.